(210) 816-1524
Professional Counseling provided by Macy Gardipee, MA, LPC

Scheduling An Appointment
Telehealth therapy appointments are available Tuesday-Thursday to clients who live in Texas or West Virginia. Monday and Friday appointments may be available upon request. To schedule an appointment contact Macy Gardipee, MA, LPC at 210-816-1524 or email macy@recoverandrebuild.org. If Macy Gardipee is unable to accept your phone call, please leave her a voicemail or email her with your name, phone number and a message about what type of counseling services you are looking for. She will return your voicemail or email as soon as she is able.
If you have questions or would like to discuss counseling services prior to scheduling an appointment you may schedule a free 15-20 minute phone consultation with Macy Gardipee, LPC. The first 15-20 minute phone call/phone consultation is free. If you have insurance that you would like to use, please click on the tab above under "More" that says "Insurance" to learn more. Please note that I do not accept all types of insurance and only accept insurance from the insurance companies mentioned on my website.
If you are a parent or legal guardian interested in counseling for your child, you must call to schedule an initial 60-minute parent consultation appointment with the counselor to discuss informed consent for counseling minors, your child's behavioral issues and treatment goals more in depth. The initial parent consultation is an important part of establishing treatment for your child. After the parent consultation appointment is complete we will discuss scheduling sessions for your child.
Once an appointment has been scheduled you will receive an email to create a client portal and access intake paperwork for counseling treatment. All intake paperwork must be completed before the first appointment. If any custody agreements or court orders exist pertaining to your child, you must provide a copy of the most recent order signed by a judge to your child's counselor before your child's first appointment per State of Texas law.